Picture of students studying

Research by Students

2023 Presentations

Armelino, A., Koehnke, J., Besing, J., & McInerney, M. (2023, April 20-21). Face Masks and Speech Perception in Everyday Listening Environments [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Barba Reyes, S., Besing, J., Koehnke, J & McInerney, M. (2023, April 20-21). Electrophysiological Measures to Diagnose Noise Induced Hidden Hearing Loss [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Boyer, S., McInerney, M., Koehnke, J., & Besing, J. (2023, April 20-21). Using Vocal Stimuli to Determine Audiometric Thresholds in Children [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Braganza, A., Wambacq, I., Besing, J., & Koehnke, J. (2023, April 20-21). Cognitive Processing and Speech Perception in Young Adults [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Capua, L., Besing, J., Koehnke, J., & Mogila, F. (2023, April 20-21). Children’s Ability to Identify Pictures in the Word Intelligibility by Picture Identification (WIPI) [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Cheyene, M., & Hitchcock, E. (2023, April 20-21). Reframing Target Selection in Children with SSD Reviewing Developmental Norms [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Cheyene, M., & Kingsley, H. (2023, April 20-21). Is Yoga an Effective Intervention for Children with Learning Disabilities? [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Cohen, H., McInerney, M., Besing, J., & Koehnke, J. (2023, April 20-21). Validity of At Home Hearing Tests [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Cohen, R., Koehnke, J., Besing, J., & Wambacq, I. (2023, April 20-21). Comparison of Performance on the ATTR and the SIG Tests [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Genser, N., Bielecki, K., Rooney, A., & De Stephen, R. (2023, April 20-21). Fostering Interprofessional Relationships in Graduate SLP and AuD Programs [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Higdon, A., Koehnke, J., McInerney, M., & Besing, J. (2023, April 20-21). A New Approach to Speech Detection Thresholds in Young Children: The Use of Musical Stimuli with Vocals [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Kingsley, H., Bartolett, G., & Gouck, M. (2023, April 20-21). A Balancing Act: School-Based SLPs and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Long, B., Koehnke, J., McInerney, M., & Besing, J. (2023, April 20-21). Ability of Children to Identify Individual Nu-CHIPs Pictures [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Pinto, C., Catalano, D., Lazarus, R., & Hitchcock, E. (2023, April 20-21). An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Approach to Voice Treatment [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Rosen, A., Lazarus, R., & Hitchcock, E. (2023, April 20-21). Investigating Generalization Patterns in Children with Residual Speech Sound Disorders [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Smith, R., Wambacq, I., McInerney, M., & Mogila, F. (2023, April 20-21). The Use of CSPAN During Speech Perception in Noise [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Trinker, R., McInerney, M., Wambacq, I., & Mogila, F. (2023, April 20-21). Listening Effort for Young Adults with Hearing Loss Learning In-Person with the Speaker Wearing a Mask or Using Zoom [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Vento, J., McInerney, M., Wambacq, I., & Besing, J. (2023, April 20-21). Evaluating the Effects of Two Hearing Care Apps with AirPods Pro for Normal Hearing Individuals with Perceived Difficulties in Noise [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Zacharowicz, E., Wambacq, I., Koehnke, J., & Mogila, F. (2023, April 20-21). Evaluating the Effects of Two Hearing Care Apps with AirPods Pro for Normal Hearing Individuals with Perceived Difficulties in Noise [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

2022 Presentations

Berger, E., McInerney, M., Besing, J., & Wambacq, I. (2022, May). Eargo’s Efficacy for Individuals With Perceived Speech-In-Noise Difficulties [Poster presentation]. New York State Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Tarrytown, NY United States.

Chagachbanian, N., & Kern, C., (2022, April 28). Bimodal Distribution of Voice Onset Time in Adult Listeners’ Perception of Child’s Speech [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Cheyne, M., & Hitchcock, E., (2022, April 28). Measuring Simultaneous-Bilingual Adults’ Perception of Voicing Contrasts: Preliminary Findings [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Fitzpatrick, A., Besing, J., McInerney, M., & Koehnke, J. (2022, April). The use of musical stimuli with vocals to obtain speech detection thresholds. [Poster presentation] Early Hearing Detection & Intervention virtual conference.

Gallignano, E., McInerney, M., Koehnke, J., & Besing, J. (2022, April 28). Benefits of Receiving Treatment Closer to Time of Onset in Adults With Hearing Loss [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Genser, N., (2022, May 28). Hearing Health Behaviors: The Effects of Gender and College Status [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Hohmeier, A., Wambacq, I., Mogila, F., & Koehnke, J. (2022, April). The effect of stimulus type on optokinetic results. [Poster presentation] The American Balance Society Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, United States

Jensen, N., Wambacq, I., McInerney, M. & Koehnke, J., (2022, April 28). Understanding Effects of Different Cognitive Processes on Speech Perception in Noise [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Klopsis, G., Wambacq, I., Besing, J., & Koehnke, J. (2022, April 28). Affective Reactions to Filtered Music [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Morales, K., Besing, J., Koehnke, J., & McInerney, M. (2022, April 28). Effects of Localization Abilities When Listening to Bone Conduction Headphones [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Pinto, C., (2022, April 28).  Perception of Growl and Distortion Used as Vocal Effects During Performance [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Rosenberg, Y., Wambacq, I., Koehnke, J., & McInerney, M. (2022, April 28). Semantic Processing in Background Music [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Scarano, E., Besing, J., McInerney, M. & Wambacq, I. (2022, April 28). Pure Tone Testing Outside Audiometric Test Booths: Noise Canceling Headphones [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Schechter, M., Wambacq, I., Mogila, F., & Besing, J. (2022, April 28). Effects of Time of Day on Auditory Tasks Requiring Sustained Attention [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Scherrer, B., & De Stephan, R., (2022, April 28).  Promising Treatment Outcomes for Cluttering in a Musical Theater Student [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

Socha, M., McInerney, M., Besing, J., & Wambacq, I., (2022, May). AirPods Pro’s Efficacy for Individuals With Perceived Speech-In-Noise Difficulties [Poster presentation]. New York Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Tarrytown, NY, United States.

Stewart, E., & Hitchcock, E., (2022, April 28). Investigating Voicing Distinctions in Young Adults With Unilateral Hearing Loss [Poster presentation]. New Jersey Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Long Branch, NJ, United States.

2021 Presentations

Alvarez, E., Wambacq, I. McInerney, M., Besing, J., and Camacho, A. (2021, April 28-May 1). The Development of the Spanish Version of the ABEL Questionnaire. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Beach, NJ

Atwood, E., Besing, J., McInerney, M., and Wambacq, I. (2021, April 28-May 1) Investigation of Speech in Noise, Acceptable Noise Levels, and Listening Effort in Individuals with Normal Hearing yet Perceived Hearing Difficulty. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Beach, NJ

DiBenedetto, D., McInerney M., Besing, J., Bodkin, K., and Mogila, F. (2021, April 14-16) A Children’s Word Recognition Screening Protocol Based On Auditec PBK-50 Ordered By Difficulty. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Audiology, Denver, CO.

Horowitz, J., McInerney, M., Besing, J., Mogila, F., and Bodkin, K. (2021, April 28-May 1) Developing a Shortened Protocol for the CID W-22 Word List. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Beach, NJ

Katulak, D., Morales, K., Koehnke, J., Besing, J., and Wambacq, I. (2021, April 28-May 1) Effects of Cross-Modality Tasks on Auditory Localization in Young Adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Beach, NJ

Lipovetsky, K., Koehnke, J., Besing, J., and McInerney, M. (2021, April 28-May 1). The Use of Vocal Stimuli for Determining Audiometric Thresholds. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Beach, NJ

Mulcahy, K., Wambacq, I. McInerney, M., and Koehnke, J. (2021, April 28-May 1) Understanding Effects of Cognitive Processes on Speech Perception in Noise. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Beach, NJ

Quevedo, M., Besing, J., McInerney, M., and Wambacq, I (2021, April 28-May 1) Accuracy of Pure Tone Testing Outside an Audiometric Test Booth. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Beach, NJ

Riall, K., McInerney, M., Besing, J., and Koehnke, J. (2021, April 28-May 1) Assessing DM Technology Transparency: Is Transparency Really Transparent? Poster presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Beach, NJ

Sharma, A., Wambacq, I. Koehnke, J., and McInerney, M. (2021, April 28-May 1) Processing Time of Sentences in the Presence of Music With and Without Vocals. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Beach, NJ

2020 Presentations

Acosta, D., McInerney, M, Besing, J., Bodkin, K.,& Mogila, F. (2020, April). Bone Conduction Auditory Brainstem Testing: P-3333 Headband versus CoFlex wrap. Poster session presented at the American Academy of Audiology, New Orleans, Louisiana http://www.eventscribe.com/2020/posters/AAA-2020/SplitViewer.asp?PID=NjkwODAxMzQ1NjE

Durand, M., McInerney, M., Besing, J.,& Wambacq, I (2020, April). Validation of Plant’s High Frequency Word List Using Confusion Matrices. Poster session presented at the American Academy of Audiology, New Orleans, Louisiana http://www.eventscribe.com/2020/posters/AAA-2020/SplitViewer.asp?PID=NzA3MjY3NDMwMjU

Handal, K., Koehnke, J., Lalwani, A., McInerney, M., & Besing, J. (2020, April). An Evaluation of How Covering the Pinna Impacts Sound Localization and Speech Intelligibility in Adults. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Branch, New Jersey (Conference canceled) Poster presented via Panopto in Audiology Doctoral Canvas Community.

Monseratte, A., McInerney, M., Besing, J., Bodkin, K., & Mogila, F. (2020, April). Evaluating Different Methods of Obtaining Bone Conduction Audiological Thresholds for Reliability and Comfort. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Branch, New Jersey (Conference canceled) Poster presented via Panopto in Audiology Doctoral Canvas Community.

Nguyen, V., Scheperle, R., McInerney, M., & Wambacq, I. (2019, February). Characterizing Stapedial Reflex Decay in Cochlear Implant Users. Cochlear Implant Mid-Atlantic Symposium on Hearing, College Park, MD

Panek, E., Wambacq, I., Joan Besing, J., & Koehnke, J. (2020, April). Sentence Recognition in the Presence of Music With and Without Lyrics. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Branch, New Jersey (Conference canceled) Poster presented via Panopto in Audiology Doctoral Canvas Community.

Parker, C., Wambacq, I., Hitchcock, E., & Koehnke, J. (2020, April). Phoneme Identifiaction along an /r-w/ continuum. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Branch, New Jersey (Conference canceled) Poster presented via Panopto in Audiology Doctoral Canvas Community.

Piasentini, D., Wambacq, I., Besing, J., & Koehnke, J. (2020, April). Affective Reactions of Valence and Arousal to Environmental Stimuli Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Branch, New Jersey (Conference canceled)

Roach, E., McInerney, M., Scheperle, R., & Besing, J. (2020, April). Evaluating the iPhone as an Appropriate Hearing Assistive Technology in the Classroom. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Branch, New Jersey (Conference canceled) Poster presented via Panopto in Audiology Doctoral Canvas Community.

Smith, K., Besing, J., Koehnke, J., & Wambacq, I. (2020, April). Portable Audio Listening and Effects on Localization Ability. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Branch, New Jersey (Conference canceled) Poster presented via Panopto in Audiology Doctoral Canvas Community.

Stoll, W., Koehnke, J., Wambacq, I., Donoghue, C., & McInerney, M. (2020, April). Lend Me Your Ears: Attitudes, Awareness, and Motivation in Hearing Aid Donation. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Branch, New Jersey (Conference canceled) Poster presented via Panopto in Audiology Doctoral Canvas Community.

Trestman, S., Besing, J., Koehnke, J., & McInerney, M. (2020, April). Comparing filtered sound-effects and pure-tone audiometry in individuals with hearing loss. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the New Jersey Speech and Hearing Association, Long Branch, New Jersey (Conference canceled) Poster presented via Panopto in Audiology Doctoral Canvas Community.